Project Description

Reason for Life CAMP July 6-11

FIND your reason for life.

To LIVE your life for Christ and to do His will. Raise leaders to

INSPIRE others.

We have found that when kids are emerged 5 days in the camp, their hearts and minds are challenged and changed.

We have 80% of the children that attend the camp are non-Christian. Our goal is to have a child understand the reason for his/her life.

We had 183 come to the Reason for Life Camp this year! We were blessed beyond what we anticipated. This year we had a group from Spain, England, and America come and help us out with the English part of the camp. We had 14 English-speaking teachers for the camp! What a great way to minister to children through English.

160 children repented at the Reason for Life Camp! We are so grateful to God and His mercy and grace upon each and one of the children that has accepted Him.

Please continue to pray for this ministry. Each person that is involved, the leaders and most of all pray that God will lead the right children to the camp for His glory and His Kingdom to be expanded!

The church has a program called “Compass Club” weekly the children attend “JUMP” (kids) and “Switch ON” (teens), it is a program once a week. The kids learn about different topics and where they can feel save.