Project Description

God has been faithful to us these months. We have been continually overwhelmed by His grace and power; He has been strengthening us in every aspect of our lives. He has given us strength and wisdom on managing our family and ministry. God has poured out His unfailing love on us and we are thankful that we are part this amazing journey that he has for us.

Here is what we have been up too these months. Natamia graduated 6th grade! We are so proud of her. Please continue to pray for Natamia and the coming up school year. For wisdom and understanding.

Celebrated Vitaliy birthday. Out in the town with friends.

Zlata’s 4th birthday party! We have an incredible time with amazing people. Zlata is a gift from God. She is recovering wonderfully and doctors are shocking how well she has coming along. Please continue to pray for Zlata for complete and full recovery!